Monday, January 31, 2011

The Month in Review and of Things to Come

I'm amazed to report that I started and finished four books this month.  It wasn't easy as the lees of December's reading, Jane Eyre, almost killed my reading interest (and caused a bit of a ruckus in the comments).

I've said all I need to say about Ender's GameThe Magician's Nephew was kinda 'blah' by Narnia standards, and The Mammoth Book of Merlin was just plain ole 'not good.'  There were stellar efforts by Charles de Lint and Michael Swanwick but they weren't enough to save the collection from mediocrity.  My thoughts on Middlesex--which are ambiguous at best-- will go up in a day or two.  I am pleased at this months reading in the regard that I was able to get through two doorstopers.  Hopefully that trend will persist and the multitude of giant books I own won't hinder, inhibit or otherwise stymie my reading.        

For February, the most terrible word in the English language, I'm gonna take Mark Twain's advice and swallow the frog first.  My frog-of-the-month, doorstoper, is Summerland by Michael Chabon.  As it's a short month if I can get through Summerland and three others I'll be pleased.

It's been a remarkably uneventful month, which I guess isn't bad.  Hopefully I'll have more things of interest to report next month.  


Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

I have to check out your Jane Eyre post. I just read and posted my thoughts about it recently and had mixed thoughts about it.

I applaud your dedication to the doorstoppers. They are so hard for me to pick up (and carry around, literally). But there are some that I will tackle this year.

Chad Hull said...

This Jane Eyre debacle won't end! (I'm joking, of course.)

Thanks for cheering me on with my doorstoper effort. I'm trying to do one a month; hopefully I'll stay on task.