Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's tough having fans...

I suffer no delusions that Ms Valente read my review of The Habitation of the Blessed, but if she did she wouldn't have liked it.  (I used the word 'dense' albeit in a positive light.  The bright side of my faux pas is that I get to drink!)  I have my own misgivings on what she has said, but I'll suffice it to say perhaps she should add 'amazing' 'intelligent' 'special' and 'elite' to her list of words she'd rather reviewers not use.

Whatever happened to the old days when artist such as Beethoven could only vainly bitch and moan about being unappreciated and never reaping the full reward of their efforts?  So much for 'suffering' the pain of success in silence.  


Marion said...

Yes, I like the drinking game!

Perhaps she could provide the short list of approved words we are supposed to use.

Terry Weyna said...

It's odd that she reacts so badly to reviewing phrases that I consider the highest of compliments. "Dense" for me often means fudgy, delicious, lovely prose that one has to relish slowly and with great joy. "Poetic" means that she pays attention to every word she chooses and deploys them well -- not that she's sneaking poetry into the unwelcoming maws of her readers. I adore Valente's books, but her blog -- well, it sort of drives me nuts.

Chad Hull said...

I've simply resolved to not review any more of her works. That's not to say I've been defeated by her attitude but she doesn't seem to want the exposure given... well, I don't give much--nor do many read what I write--but I can stop covering her work and perhaps facilitate her writing in obscurity.

I'm not sure if that is what she wants, but--I've no clue what she does what...

Chad Hull said...


And why oh why can't I edit blogger comments on my own blog?