Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Month in Review and of Things to Come

Oops... I almost forgot this post.  That would be the first time ever since I've started doing end of the month recaps; better late than never.

I finished Daniel Martin this month; YEAH!!!!  It took me a while--because it's beastly long and in part because I really didn't want it to end.  I love John Fowles.  A lot.  Whenever I read about John Fowles I usually see people talk about The Magus or The French Lieutenant's Woman; sometimes The Collector.  I haven't read The Magus yet, but if it is to hold up as Fowles Magnum Opus it truly must be a phenomenal effort.  Daniel Martin makes me rethink much of what I previously said about how hard it would be to trump The Windup Girl.

I also read, The History of Love by Nicole Krauss who is one of my favorite living writers.  She is amazing.  That is all.  I'll have comments up on that in a few days.  The Screwtape Letters was many many things; all of them good.  Additionally I read a very large chunk of Warriors, a short story anthology I'm plugging my way through.  April was one of those months were the reading output concerning page count was really high, just not in total works read.  And I'm okay with that.

Hmm; what else... I went to the lake and drove my friends' boat around which was fun in a "are-we-gonna-die" kinda way.  Got sunburned too.  It hurts.  Went to a funeral for my grandmother which was sad and happy in many ways.

May looks like another chunk of Warriors getting read, Acacia by David Anthony Durham and I'm aiming for at least two other titles that I've yet to decide upon.

Stay tuned.

Go read Nicole Krauss.  Start with everything she's ever written.

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