
Saturday, November 20, 2010

An injustice.

I really haven't done this book justice. Over the course of a week I read The General in his Labyrinth by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. A lot of it I read at work. I also read a good bit on the train. I never really dedicated the time to the book it deserved. With the subtleties of the texts and the longer sections to read before page breaks I'm sure I didn't appreciate it as much as I would have if I had more time to read in a relaxed state of mind. I read when time and energy allow, and unfortunately the wrong book came up this week.

I did like the book, but I don't think any circumstance would have made me like it as much as Strange Pilgrims; the only other work by Garcia Marquez I've read.


  1. It is funny how some books catch us in the stranges of places. It happened to me too and when I re-read them properly it was like finding a new book :)

  2. I'd like to have a happy re-reading experience with this particular book but with the TBR pile and all the new books I want to buy I don't see much re-reading time in the future.
